The Department of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), located in Berlin-Friedrichshagen on Lake Müggelsee, invites applications for a tenure track group leader position in fluvial morphology and biogeochemical modelling of stream ecosystems. The new group leader is expected to start a research program on linking physical, chemical and ecological process-based models of streams. This position fits IGB ‘s strategic aim to strengthen its capacity for predictive ecology and follows the IGBs commitment and the strategic need to enhance capability in the critical area of coupling fluvial and biogeochemical modelling of stream ecosystems in support of predictive ecology.
Inland flowing waters i.e. streams and rivers are crucial for connecting elements of landscapes and form major components of the global nutrient and carbon cycles. This position aims to understand the functioning of streams, focusing on hydrological, morphological, biogeochemical and ecological components of streams, and their linkages across scales. The position will focus on investigating the impacts of global change on stream ecosystems through advanced, data-driven process-based modelling approaches. The successful candidate will join an existing interdisciplinary science and modelling team to support the strategic development in modelling stream/river ecosystems. Outstanding instrumented research catchments are close to Berlin, access to lab- and field-based data production and to computer clusters is available. Further, the Department builds on a long history of internationally recognized excellence in ecohydrology and biogeochemistry. We are seeking to enhance and complement these existing strengths.
IGB is the largest freshwater ecology research institute in Germany and a member of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and the Leibniz-Association ( IGB, consisting of 5 Departments, offers excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities, and long-term research programs and data sets. We work interdisciplinary, internationally, and with flat hierarchies, fostering the development of young talents and career advancement. We collaborate with other colleagues across IGB in newly established Competence and Technology Centers (CTPs) that work on a wide range of freshwater ecohydrological/ecological research.