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The Department of Ecohydrology and Biogeochemistry of the Leibniz-Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), located in Berlin-Friedrichshagen on Lake Müggelsee, invites applications for a tenure track group leader position in fluvial morphology and biogeochemical modelling of stream ecosystems. The new group leader is expected to start a research program on linking physical, chemical and ecological process-based models of streams. This position fits IGB ‘s strategic aim to strengthen its capacity for predictive ecology and follows the IGBs commitment and the strategic need to enhance capability in the critical area of coupling fluvial and biogeochemical modelling of stream ecosystems in support of predictive ecology.

Inland flowing waters i.e. streams and rivers are crucial for connecting elements of landscapes and form major components of the global nutrient and carbon cycles. This position aims to understand the functioning of streams, focusing on hydrological, morphological, biogeochemical and ecological components of streams, and their linkages across scales. The position will focus on investigating the impacts of global change on stream ecosystems through advanced, data-driven process-based modelling approaches. The successful candidate will join an existing interdisciplinary science and modelling team to support the strategic development in modelling stream/river ecosystems. Outstanding instrumented research catchments are close to Berlin, access to lab- and field-based data production and to computer clusters is available. Further, the Department builds on a long history of internationally recognized excellence in ecohydrology and biogeochemistry. We are seeking to enhance and complement these existing strengths.

IGB is the largest freshwater ecology research institute in Germany and a member of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. and the Leibniz-Association ( IGB, consisting of 5 Departments, offers excellent laboratory and field facilities for interdisciplinary research, large-scale experimental facilities, and long-term research programs and data sets. We work interdisciplinary, internationally, and with flat hierarchies, fostering the development of young talents and career advancement. We collaborate with other colleagues across IGB in newly established Competence and Technology Centers (CTPs) that work on a wide range of freshwater ecohydrological/ecological research.

Your role

  • Increasing the understanding the functioning of streams through process-based modelling, focusing on hydrological, geomorphological, biogeochemical or ecological components, and their linkages.
  • Investigating the impacts of global change on stream ecosystems through advanced stochastic or numerical modelling approaches.
  • Development and application of hydrology-based numerical models to predict cross-scale spatio-temporal patterns of fluvial morphology, biogeochemistry or related freshwater biodiversity and interactions with the surrounding landscape.
  • Investigation of spatial hydrological and linked ecological processes (linking to metapopulations and meta-ecosystems) in stream networks based on virtual analogues that reproduce topological and scaling features of natural stream networks.
  • Simulations of the transport and turnover of environmental or reactive tracers, sediment, nutrients, pollutants and environmental DNA in rivers. 
  • Scenario simulations of the response of streams to both natural and human-caused disturbances e.g., floods, reservoir construction, channelization, or river restoration.
  • Use of these models to assess the effectiveness of sampling strategies and science-based information of land, water and ecosystem management as well as policy making.
  • Establish a new research group on linking physical, chemical and ecological process-based models of streams.

Your profile

  • PhD in hydrology, or a related field of environmental or geoscience
  • Experience in combining field and modelling insights in process-based understanding of stream ecosystems
  • Excellent numerical / computational skills
  • A strong publication record (commensurate with career stage)
  • An established national or international research profile (commensurate with career stage)
  • Strong English language skills both in oral and written communication
  • Good track record or potential for raising external research funds (commensurate with career stage)

Additional beneficial requirements would be:

  • Good potential for research supervision
  • Expertise in remote sensing and data assimilation Good potential for research supervision
  • Excellent interpersonal skills and proven team-working skills
  • Experience in working in interdisciplinary research projects and collaboration with stakeholders

Our offer

We offer an interesting position with a long-term perspective according to IGB’s tenure-track guidelines in a dynamic international scientific environment. The working language is English. We have flat hierarchies, encourage active participation, and provide high individual freedom, enabling scientists to develop their creativity to the best of their abilities.

The position is full-time with an option for temporary or permanent work time reduction. Salary is paid according to the German salary scheme for the public sector (TVöD Bund E14). We foster career development by providing qualification and training opportunities. Given our commitment to diversity, we welcome all applications, regardless of gender and gender identity, origin, nationality, religion, belief, health and physical disabilities, age or sexual orientation. IGB is committed to increasing the number of women in this field, therefore applications from women are particularly welcome. Various measures are in place at IGB to support gender equality. We support the reconciliation of work and family life. Applicants with a disability will be given preference if they are equally qualified.

Are you interested?

We look forward to receiving your application as a single PDF file, including a motivation letter, complete CV, a statement on your vision for research (including links to other IGB research groups; max 3 pages) and on how to foster diversity and gender equality in your team (1 page max), publication list, copies of relevant degrees and contact details of three references by 20.03.2025. Please apply exclusively via our recruitment platform at, stating the job reference number 04/2025. Any questions can be directed to the Head of Department Prof Dörthe Tetzlaff ( or the Director of IGB Prof Luc De Meester (


"Research for the future of our freshwaters" is the mission of IGB – Germany’s largest and one of the leading international centres for freshwater research. In order to investigate different aspects of freshwater ecosystems, their biota and societal relevance, we unite a wide range of disciplines and understand research as a joint effort. With more than 350 employees and guests from all over the world, we conduct research at five locations in Berlin and at Lake Stechlin (Brandenburg). IGB is a member of the German Leibniz Association and the Forschungsverbund Berlin e. V.